SportTechie — Shark Tank RSS

TPG To Provide All Expenses-Paid Trip For Companies Selected To Pitch At Sports Tank

This section of SportTechie, “Sports Tech Wire”, contains original press releases issued by various companies and industry organizations. The releases are reviewed by the SportTechie editorial staff to ensure relevancy to the sports technology industry.  For information and access, send your name and email address to SPORTS TANK IS BACK FOR ANOTHER YEAR AIMING TO FUND THE DREAMS […]

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Young Entrepreneur Turns Life-Threatening Injury Into Fitness Startup

Like many high school aged boys during that all-important time of physical maturation and quest for social acceptance, Patrick Whaley sought to up his athletic prowess and personal appeal. His solution: stuff his backpack with heavy textbooks and repetitively do shoulder shrugs on his way up and down the hallways on his way to class. […]

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