SportTechie — Crowdsourcing RSS

Parameters Undefined: Crowdsourcing the Best MLB Foul Ball Seats

  There are 9540 posts tagged #foulball on Instagram. Make that 9541. Crowdsourcing fan engagement is rapidly on the rise in major league sports. And the data collection possibilities are nearly infinite. But for every big data solution created, there are just as many big data hurdles. Or at least this is what a small […]

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Caddio App Provides Crowdsourced Knowledge of Golf Courses

As the first app of its kind, Caddio is enhancing the experience of golfers everywhere by using crowdsourcing. The newly developed app allows users to post golf tips about any hole on a golf course they’ve played on. The app allows users to create a Caddio account or conveniently log in through their Facebook or […]

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