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Founder Of $5 Million CoachBase App Launches Second Basketball App

CoachBase, the app launched by a volunteer youth basketball coach that grew to generate $5 million in business, has introduced a new app today.  The app, called PracticePlanner, does exactly what the name suggests.  Simply by tapping the screen of their device a few times, users will have an in-depth practice schedule in front of […]

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Manchester United Has Just Put The Digital Sports World On Notice

Manchester United has announced they will be upgrading their digital offerings to their 659 million global followers (let that number sink in) via a historic partnership with HCL Technologies. The partnership will have HCL Technologies become the “Official Digital Transformation Partner” of Manchester United. With this HCL and United will create a United Xperience Lab which will be held […]

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Young Entrepreneur Turns Life-Threatening Injury Into Fitness Startup

Like many high school aged boys during that all-important time of physical maturation and quest for social acceptance, Patrick Whaley sought to up his athletic prowess and personal appeal. His solution: stuff his backpack with heavy textbooks and repetitively do shoulder shrugs on his way up and down the hallways on his way to class. […]

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