San Francisco Startup Sicksports Rethinks Mobile Sports News Consumption Through Curation


This term has surfaced into mainstream public conscious rather subtly, in a streamlined way. What was once solely used in reference to a kind of skillset housed within museums, has now come to mean as anyone’s ability to selectively choose a particular subject matter.

Today’s popularity around curation, though, can stem from lofty–or at least the thought that it’s so–appropriation. The art world’s ideals of cultural value and identified reverence filters into any user’s ordinary tasks, giving it more perceived credence. Curation, now, purports imagination and personalization. Thus, a user’s basic preferences are no longer just unique on its own due to curation, but by a considerable margin.

As The New Republic suggests, newfound curation promotes neoliberalism-esque tenets: “atomized individualism, the thrall of personalization, aestheticized control, and, of course, consumption-as-authenticity.”

Bearing this in mind, a San Francisco-based mobile, sports news startup called Sicksports is strategizing around curation. They’re primarily funded by angel investors, with some venture capital investment as well.

From a market perspective, Glenna Patton, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sicksports, tells SportTechie that she and her team believes that there’s a major gap in this space, in terms of both youth-targeted content and social media. Teenagers experience a lot of their time on multiple sports apps and websites via smartphones in order to get their sports news fix; Newsweek revealed a survey that states 84 percent of millennials get their sports news from a reporting source and 78 percent do so from a social media source. How to best cater to this vital demographic among sports leagues and brands constantly changes–it’s an ongoing barrier to stand out.

The first objective of Sicksports, Patton says: “Eliminate the barriers for both under 25-year-olds and brands by creating a hub just for sports that caters to the needs and interests of the mobile-native generation (which we call ‘#Generation’).”

Secondly: “We’re driven by our underlying mission: To be a positive force for youth in their development through the power of sports. Sports played a formative role in exposing us to role models, framing our values and building our self-confidence. We want to bring that experience to more kids at scale.”

The current marketplace does inundate users in content volume and monotony. Considering every platform out there, quantity dominates the user’s experience–not as much quality or relevance. The major media mediums largely repeat the same stories (and each others’ stories), which are then cycled again in social media. There’s always a focus on scores and results (being first, at that, too) that neglects the “who, why, and how” in sports that millennials care about, especially for it to be available on mobile.

“Not only is it overwhelming, consumers are forced to scroll through a lot of clutter to find the good stuff,” states Patton.

“For the ‘#Generation,’finding great content isn’t only about the story itself; it’s about social currency,” added Patton.

The “social currency” component is an integral part on mobile that has to resonate with this demographic. They’re actively discovering posts that are cool or funny to share with their friends. That’s the kind of engagement where branded partnerships must get right. These users don’t want to have to share the same content that’s everywhere, searching for those hidden gems, instead. And they all have an interest in knowing what’s trending, so they don’t feel left out of what’s going on right now.

Concurrently, there are three notable shifts in the market to consider: Twitter announced Project Lightning, which involves a human editorial team that curates the best and trending hashtags; Instagram relaunched Discover to reflect the best and trending people and places; Snapchat launched Discover (as part of Stories) to feature daily curated videos from selected publishers.

Patton’s response to this latest movement: “Why are they doing that? Social media content fatigue–nothing stands out. At the same time, content aggregation apps have not innovated. As one example: Flipboard has becoming overwhelming to navigate; and none of the aggregators do sports well.”

The aforementioned developments represent the macro-level market issues. Sicksports, in turn, aims to address these user problems by cutting through the clutter and providing them a combination of the best and what’s trending. When the user goes about determining what stories they like or don’t within this app, the experience gets smarter and tailors the content to individual interests.

Sicksports does not repeat stories; they reflect only the best one for trending storylines, so it becomes a fast and plentiful experience.

For instance, the Deflategate story. Such a topic generates hundreds of stories and tweets with each passing event. Between human editors and their own algorithm, Sicksports publishes just the best stories on the most important storylines.

Moreover, Sicksports attempts to tackle the content, itself. Through their own research and interaction with the “#Generation,” they saw several types of content they covet that the major sports platforms don’t give much attention to. Sicksports, thus, is delving into these areas; and it’s a key differentiator for them.

One section that Sicksports features is Funny: In early feedback, this angle is a really popular section. A dedicated stream of fails and funny stuff from a plethora of diverse sources can be found here.

Another section is Gear: Sneaker culture and athlete fashion is huge. Sicksports doesn’t know of anyone who’s aggregating this space; and they’re tapping into some of the most popular YouTube channels and websites that some adults may not have heard of.

A third section is Top Plays: Based on their research, they learned that there’s a persona type that just likes to snack on top plays, highlights, and mixtapes all day long on mobile. And they, apparently, complain that ESPN’s Top 10 typically only shows major men’s sports. Sicksports, though, shows every sport; they mine clips from Twitter to catch the “everyman” top play as well as activities like frisbee golf, skateboarding, and surfing.

Lacrosse is another section: It’s a fast-growing sport among boys, in terms of participation; and college lacrosse is what they follow the most. So, Sicksports is leaning into an area that’s taking off before the mainstream media realizes it.

Last but certainly not least, Women’s sports are strongly featured: Sicksports wants to give women’s sports and issues affecting women around sports a lot of love. Young women have repeatedly fed back that they hate the assumption that they only like women’s sports; they’re also huge men’s sports fans and don’t understand why websites and apps don’t recognize that.

At Sicksports’ core, though, their proprietary Curation-as-a-Service (CaaS) technological algorithm serves as the backbone that powers this app.

Its CaaS functions as their content aggregation model. They harness the utility of editors and computing to score content–factoring in quality, popularity, and personal relevance. It’s Sicksports’ proprietary method for generating the story scores seen in the app, coupled with the way the app tunes what it delivers to individual tastes as users indicate which stories they like or don’t like. As a byproduct of the CaaS, users get more of the “right” stuff for them.

In fact, there’s actually multiple algorithms involved in this process, dubbing them collectively to build out the CaaS.

“While the machine-based algorithms are essential to processing thousands of pieces of content per hour, the human factor is key to the secret sauce. Most aggregators are all machine, which is why there are issues with quantity drowning quality and relevance,” says Patton.

“We used significant human inputs to the algorithm, because factors like ‘quality’ are not easily assessed by machines. We also use live editors around the clock, and they have ultimate discretion over what gets published. A machine can predict whether a piece of content is funny, but an editor is a superior judge of whether it truly is or isn’t,” Patton continued.

From a business standpoint, given the fact that Sicksports partners with an eclectic range of youth-oriented publishers, they offer them incremental views to their respective content. These external outlets realize the upside–in both traffic and revenues–because Sicksports links directly to their websites. Particularly for smaller publishers, those that don’t have their own mobile apps, they would have a hard time competing if they did. Sicksports recognizes quality, too, so publishers and stories that otherwise may get buried in the ephemeral environment get the attention they deserve.

Outside of those relationships, Sicksports is also in discussions with publishers in collaborating in ways that deliver mutual potential. Sicksports generates a surplus amount of data on what’s trending in sports news, so they’re able to tell publishers what’s trending in their categories and which stories are popular. For one, they recently analyzed the Sneaker category to report trends for brands and products. This kind of business intelligence is valuable to publishers.

Design, however, has an essential role with Sicksports’ overall strategy as well, where both iOS and Android versions mirror each other insofar as content being displayed in a card view versus a list view to the user.

“This group is impatient–they click before they read because they just want to get the good stuff fast,” Patton says.

“They respond to radical simplification, which is key to how we designed the experience. That’s why we went with a straightforward ranking model and a scrolling experience with one core user action: like or dislike content, so the app gets smarter in what it serves,” added Patton.

Their Chief Experience Officer, Greg Johnson, spearheads the design efforts. He has spent much of his career with Digitas as its Executive Creative Director as well as with HP as its Global Creative Director, providing a balance between design and technology for Sicksports. That expertise along with Patton’s past experience serving as HP’s Vice President of Global Brand Strategy, MTV Networks’ Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, and Sci-Fi Europe’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications poses the opportunity to invent brands, especially by virtue of how brands express themselves via a voice and interactive design.

Beyond aggregation and design configurations, Sicksports’ curation endeavor includes their own original programming, too.

Their original content completely focused in this one facet: real-life insights of athletes and the world of sports. Patton has heard from this demographic that they want more straightforward talk and real life perspectives. With rising athletes in particular, they want to comprehend the journeys and challenges that athletes come to face–not just the fame and glory. This area explores less-heralded experiences pro athletes go through, like playing in the minor leagues, players selected low among the drafts, and sports industry careers. These kind of stories tap into the personal level, where young reporters are the ones conducting the interviews.

Here’s an example on YouTube of Sicksports’ original programming, specifically on overcoming adversity in the sport of fencing:

When asked to compare and contrast Sicksports to other social media outlets, Patton asserts: “All the best and trending sports stuff, none of the crap. Social media feeds are not pure sports, so you get a mix of personal updates, sports, news, work-related content, and everything in between. A lot of it isn’t worth your time. Specifically in sports, if you follow multiple sports news sources or want to check on what’s trending on a hashtag, you have to wade through a lot of stuff to find the best content that you care about. With Sicksports, we do all the work for you and you never miss what’s trending.”

In the short-term, Sicksports is focusing on scaling its users, with that being the basis to produce revenues and show market adoption of their model. Over the long-term, they’re looking forward to horizontal scaling. Sicksports stands as a new approach to content curation, which can be applied to all verticals.

Whether they build out their own platform or partner with others, “the idea of quality, plus social popularity, plus ‘smart’ personalization is relevant in any content lane,” states Patton.

Again, curation spurs from creativity and personalization, where authenticity is bestowed publicly and driven by consumption. Social media, of course, has lended itself as the ideal forum to adopt curation–these platforms offer self-shaped microcosms of a user’s community and shed light on personal views of oneself, crafted by respective preferences.

A sundry of new sports media brands are vying to carve its own place among young, sports fan’s consciousness on mobile, utilizing Snapchat as a tool to become top of mind. Sicksports is constructing a simplified process, conveyed through curation, in order to capture this user base. After all, the startup’s prefix, “sick,” connotes something that only the “#Generation” can come to appreciate–by their own terms.