As the sports training world knows, there is a multitude of companies devoted to creating cutting-edge sport technologies to squeeze an extra tenth of a second or ounce of exertion out of an elite NFL player. But, there are also athlete training companies who are focusing on training athletes above the neck. One such company […]
As kick-off to Super Bowl 50 in Silicon Valley approaches it is evident now more than ever that the NFL has become a technology driven business. Fans consume NFL content on more platforms than ever before. Stadiums are hi-tech palaces. Athletes are squeezing every ounce of physical ability out of their natural talents. But this is just the […]
The University of Michigan football program boasts a historic past, but they are only a year removed from major turmoil surrounding leadership and underperformance on the field. Since then they have hired a highly sought after coach and notable alum, Jim Harbaugh, as the head coach in 2015. The Harbaugh hiring is just part of […]
A lot of people can’t stand baseball because it is “too boring,” or because there are “too many games [in a season],” or because the sport “never changes.” While those can all be valid concerns, the reality is that baseball is indubitably America’s pastime, and watching baseball is a relaxing daily endeavor that puts most […]
In recent times, NBA broadcasters have made great strides in enhancing real-time viewing experience. The very first live 4K match broadcast recently materialized, and there has even been a movement to tentatively coax out sports fans’ ‘inner geek’ with match stats packages such as SportVU to accompany viewing. Now, ESPN will continue down this road by […]