SportTechie — NHL RSS

MLB And NHL Take Opposing Stance On Periscope And Meerkat

The NHL banned the use of live streaming apps like Periscope and Meerkat just two weeks after Major League Baseball confirmed it would not ban their use. “Without limiting the generality of the credential language, any streaming of footage in violation of the NHL’s Broadcast Guidelines (including, for example, live-streaming inside the arena less than […]

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SAS Global Forum 2015: Day 2 Recap

The SAS Global Forum is a premier event for SAS professionals that offers educational and networking opportunities. Not only does SAS help bring intelligence to everyday businesses, their technology helps sports organizations understand fans and players. Yesterday we covered day 1 of the event, and today we are in attendance covering the sports topics news coming from […]

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NHL Launches New Predictive Tool Today For Stanley Cup Playoffs

In a continuing effort to phase the National Hockey League (NHL) into an analytic future, the NHL and SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud service have created the Match-Up Analysis with Insights from SAP. The Match-Up Analysis tool was created to help fans compete in the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Bracket Challenge. In our recent interviews with […]

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The Play is Under Review: NHL Goaltender Interference

The National Hockey League’s annual general manager meetings took place last week in Boca Raton, Florida. On the slate for general manager’s this year is extended video review. Goal review is an extremely prominent topic in the National Hockey League. Video review was implemented to help determine if there is an acceptable goal in a […]

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