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How to Stream Super Bowl XLIX

In 2014, the Super Bowl telecast of the Seattle Seahawks’ victory over the Denver Broncos drew 111.5 million viewers, ranking it as the most watched television event in U.S. history. Even though it amounted to a fraction of the U.S. TV audience, Fox Sports GO live streamed the event online, with the average audience size […]

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Syracuse Startup Brightens First-Ever Super Bowl Through LED Lights

The University of Phoenix Stadium, home of this year’s Super Bowl, has been preparing technological upgrades well in advance of this Sunday’s big game. The vast majority of these installations started during the Arizona Cardinals’ past off-season. The team doled out upwards of $18 million to completely retrofit the venue. Nearly $11 million of which […]

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The 5 Most Important Ways Technology Forever Changed Sports in 2014

2014 was a landmark year for technology in sports. The Super Bowl reached its largest digital audience ever. The Sochi Winter Olympics displayed innovative new technology at every hairpin, half-melted turn. And the FIFA World Cup set a precedent for the global sport of soccer by putting technology at the forefront of the game on […]

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