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ESPN Virtual 3 Technology Is Being Introduced Today To Literally Highlight 3-Pointers In NBA Broadcasts

In recent times, NBA broadcasters have made great strides in enhancing real-time viewing experience. The very first live 4K match broadcast recently materialized, and there has even been a movement to tentatively coax out sports fans’ ‘inner geek’ with match stats packages such as SportVU to accompany viewing. Now, ESPN will continue down this road by […]

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CBS Makes First Step Towards Future Of Super Bowl Broadcasting

This year’s Super Bowl is the first in 31 years to be played in Silicon Valley, the tech capital of the world. So, it is only fitting that CBS is pulling out all the broadcasting stops, and implementing three camera technologies that no prior Super Bowl has witnessed. As Wired’s April Glaser first reported, CBS is using […]

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GoPro Is Now Collaborating With Periscope To Bring Extreme Sports To Everyone

Earlier this week it was announced that Periscope, Twitter’s standalone live streaming app, and GoPro, who provide versatile, rugged cameras will begin an intriguing collaboration. It is hoped that this will open up new opportunities for real-time video sharing, allowing adrenaline junkies to quickly broadcast their daring exploits to thousands of followers on Periscope in a matter of […]

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NBA Produced Their First-Ever 4K Broadcast With Rogers And BT Sport

Broadcast history was made last week when the NBA aired the January 14th matchup between the Toronto Raptors and the Orlando Magic, live in 4K. The game was also a showcase regular season game because it was played at The O2 in London, England. The 4K-resolution broadcast, which is also known as Ultra HD, is currently […]

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