The Professional Fighters League is launching a new app on Wednesday that will bring livestreamed matches directly to consumers outside the U.S., and encourage fans to make predictions on match...
This SportTechie Legal article was written by Brian Socolow, an attorney in the Nerw York office of Loeb & Loeb LLP. Wimbledon introduced a chatbot called Fred in 2017 to answer...
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 – A roundup of some of the key sports technology stories you need to know, including SportTechie’s own content and stories from around the web. Progressive...
A new gaming report pegs the online sports betting market share for DraftKings and FanDuel at 79 percent in New Jersey’s first quarter of 2019. Those legacy daily fantasy sports...
The Professional Basketball Combine, a secondary showcase for players preparing for the NBA Draft, enters its third year with a new location and a new focus. The PBC is moving...