During Wednesday night’s All-Star Game in the independent Atlantic League, a hitter who disagrees with a called strike won’t be able to turn toward the home plate umpire and argue...
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 – A roundup of some of the key sports technology stories you need to know, including SportTechie’s own content and stories from around the web Fox...
This five-part series will examine how swing biomechanics and the proliferation of technological tools are helping hitters. Part 1 explores the history of this field and the origin stories of...
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 – A roundup of some of the key sports technology stories you need to know, including SportTechie’s own content and stories from around the web Catapult...
This spring, Electronic Arts opened an in-house production facility at its Redwood City, Calif., headquarters. Its goal: to produce content that can rival NFL and NBA broadcasts. At the direction...