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MOCAP Analytics And Zebra Technologies Work To Expand Business Opportunities Of Player Tracking Technology

These days sports organizations are turning to analytics to prevent injuries, improve fan engagement and increase player performance. These rise of these uses will cause the sports analytics market to continue to grow from $125 million in 2014 to $4.7 billion by 2021, according to Wintergreen Research. We have seen the growth of sports analytics first with SportVU’s Player Tracking […]

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Zebra Technologies Zoomed Player-Tracking Tech Forward for Super Bowl XLIX

One of the three most important technological storylines from this 2014 NFL season is Zebra Technologies’ RFID chips. From the outset, players have had to wear two tags inside their shoulder pads, provided they were in one of the 17 launch stadiums. This player-tracking technology was most visible during the NFL’s Thursday Night Football, where […]

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