SportTechie — Venture capital RSS

Former NFL Safety Ryan Mundy Launches VC Firm Techlete Ventures

After his seventh NFL season in 2014, Chicago Bears safety Ryan Mundy knew he was entering the “twilight” of his career. Though only 29 and fresh off his best year, he was cognizant of the sport’s finite longevity. “When the music stops,” he asked himself, “what am I going to do next?” Mundy enrolled in […]

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Ryan Howard Draws Venture Capital Inspiration From Athlete Moguls

PHILADELPHIA — Inspired by athletes and entertainers of his era who launched successful and world-famous businesses, Ryan Howard is turning to venture capital to help fund tech startups. “You look at the Magic Johnsons and what he’s been able to accomplish. I think you look at Michael Jordan and what he’s been able to accomplish. […]

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