Last week Budweiser and the Cleveland Cavaliers combined forces to create specially designed Budweiser-branded cardboard virtual reality screening headsets for fans. As fans stepped into the stadium, a total of 750 of them had the rare opportunity to watch virtual reality footage of Game 2 of the Cavaliers series against Atlanta Hawks on May 4th […]
The Houston Astros have announced their official partnership with Blast Motion, which will make the Easton Power Sensor the official swing monitor of the team. The announcement comes just a few weeks after Blast Motion launched three new apps that can help professional baseball teams. Get The Latest MLB Tech News In Your Inbox! We have covered product updated with Blast […]
Five years ago, few people would have expected an app which only temporarily shows photos and videos to become a staple of twenty-first century society. Nevertheless, after just over four years of existence, Snapchat has cemented itself as not only a vehicle for people to send obnoxious selfies and funny videos back and forth, but also […]
It’s a fun thought experiment to picture the very first Kentucky Derby at the famed Churchill Downs racetrack back in 1875 and compare that to today, where fans can now view the proceedings of the 142nd running in virtual reality (VR). Carrying this thought experiment one step further, one wonders where we will be when […]
Leicester City has done the completely improbable and won the Barclay’s Premier League for the first time in club history, despite the reported 5000-1 odds stacked against them at the onset of this season. So with this Cinderella success, how did the club’s social media influence improve over the season? We asked social media measurement […]