A few months ago we published an article about Babolat PLAY, the first tennis racket that gathers data and tracks player progress. Since then, this tennis racket is already providing valuable data to Rafael Nadal, one of the greatest tennis players of all time. “In “Toni’s Good Tips”, Nadal’s coach Toni Nadal uses this data to find useful insights […]
In the film Being John Malkovich, John Cusack plays a puppeteer who discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of the movie star John Malkovich. Replace Cusack with a couple of neuroscientists and Malkovich with professional baseball players, and what you basically have is the idea behind deCervo, a New York-based startup. Jordan […]
Yesterday the Green Bay Packers partnered with one of the worldwide leaders in providing digital video solutions, VITEC. They will be given the task of providing high-definition content to the large LCD TVs at Lambeau Field. The new partnership will allow fans throughout the arena to take in ultra-low latency IP streaming from over 600 […]
Major league Baseball is known for its consistency and history. The sport known as “America’s Pastime” has made very little changes to the way games are played and broadcasted. But the MLB may be adapting to the current trend of technological advancements in the sports world. The first change toward the trend came when the […]
Football headlines have been dominated by the NFL concussion debates over the last few years. Lately, NFL players and the league have attempted to find out more about concussions and the long term effects that they have on players. One of the biggest recent stories to emerge is two former NFL players agreeing to posthumously […]