SportTechie — Overwatch RSS

The Growth Of Esports Minor Leagues

This is Part Two of a multi-part series about the infrastructure of esports leagues. Part One focused on the differences between the franchise model chosen by Blizzard and Riot and the hands-off approach used by Valve. This part concerns the minor league ecosystem and both the League Championship Series and Overwatch League’s “Path to Pro” […]

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Mountain West Hosts Esports Event At Basketball Conference Tournament

Collegiate esports are growing rapidly, especially on the West Coast. Last month, eleven Pac-12 schools got together to form the Pacific Alliance of Collegiate Gamers (PACG). While not sponsored by the conference officially, every Pac-12 school besides the University of Washington is represented in the PACG. 11 student driven orgs from campuses across the @pac12 conference […]

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