ESPN and Thirty Five Media, a company founded by Kevin Durant in 2017, have agreed to partner for a sports business show called The Boardroom. The show will air exclusively...
Fox Sports Latin America announced the launch of Fox Sports Premium, a new OTT streaming offering that will debut in Mexico and Central America in January 2019. The new channel...
UEFA, the governing body of European football, is developing an OTT streaming service that will compliment the organization’s existing broadcast partners. The platform is expected to offer a variety of...
TAPPP, a New York-based startup that provides exclusive pre-paid cards with access to live-streaming sports content, announced it had raised $5 million in Series A funding. The company makes live...
Juventus has cut its official TV channel in favor of a more mobile-friendly option. The Italian soccer giant is hoping its fans tune in to watch new signing Cristiano Ronaldo...