SportTechie — NCAA Football RSS

Bitcoin Payments for NCAA Athletes – So Crazy It Just Might Work

Bitcoins: The new digital currency that many understand about as much as they understand the math behind the NCAA ranking system. Or perhaps Bitcoins have never been important enough to understand. The underlying idea of Bitcoins is something to certainly build upon. But is there a potential real-world application for something so intangible? Solving a […]

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New College Football Playoff Site Has Many Fan-Friendly Features

Only a couple of weeks have started for college football to enter the sports scene; and this season already has unparalleled excitement because of the unique circumstances surrounding it. Since its creation in 1998, the Bowl Championship Series – BCS – has stirred up fierce controversy on an annual basis. By combining computer polls with the human eye test, the BCS determined the final two teams that would compete in the national championship game. During the weeks heading into the final rankings, teams would attempt to make their resume appealing in comparison to others by any means necessary; whether it was by taking care of business against their tougher competition or mercilessly running the score up on their mediocre opponents....

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Ole Miss Links Beacon Technology and Rewards Program for College Football Season

Mobile devices have gone through many upgrades, going from brick-sized cell phones, to sleek tablets with capabilities to watch and record video in high definition. With the advancements in mobile technology, the user experience is much more integrated than ever before and has made its way into college sports. The University of Mississippi is the first college to implement beacon technology in order to create a more personalized game day experience for their fans. They combined beacon technology, from Gimbal Inc., and  Spark Compass, a precision mobile marketing platform, from San Diego-based Total Communicator Solutions Inc.

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#SportsInSTEM Series: Robotic Lifting Partner

This post is the ninth installment of our #SportsInSTEM Series, which explores, demonstrates, and illuminates how sport serves as a vehicle to train and enlighten students of all ages in pursuing interests and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. If you or someone you know is using sports to help with STEM education, then please […]

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