SportTechie — IndieGogo RSS

Blind Mountain Biker Uses BONX Wearable To Navigate The Trails

Technology has been making strides in helping almost anyone be able to continue their athletic endeavors. In this story, mountain bike rider Bobby McMullen only has 15% of his sight and has survived cancer, two double-organ transplants, open-heart surgery and many more injuries that could have stopped him from hopping on that bike. Even so, […]

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Bimoz Is An e-Bike Motor That Can Be Added To Any Bicycle

An Indiegogo campaign is trying to bring the lighest e-bike concept to market with Bimoz. Danae Ringlemann, Eric Schell and Slava Rubin founded Indiegogo in 2008. Their goal is to empower creative, entrepreneurial people to bring their ideas to life. The campaign of Bimoz is to cover the initial costs for tooling and industrial molds. After […]

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New eBike Makes Waves On Indiegogo

We recently covered Connected Cycle’s e-pedals that raised $50,000 in just 24 hours on Indiegogo, but they weren’t the only ones trying to bring technology to the cycling world. The Wave eBike is a new hybrid electronic bicycle that can go up to 28mph thanks to a power hub motor that is powered by a […]

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