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Fitbit To Provide 10,000 Devices In Expansive Federal Health Study

Fitbit will be among the wearable brands that Scripps Research Institute uses in an expansive federal research study uncovering the health habits of American citizens. The company will provide 10,000 Fitbit Charge 2 and Fitbit Alta HR health trackers as part of a one-year study that will track participants’ sleep and fitness activities.  In a […]

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How the Apple Watch Will Aim to Revolutionize Your Workout

The most highly anticipated device coming out in the next year is clearly the Apple Watch. One of the greatest criticisms and tests of its success will be whether or not people are actually interested in going back to wearing a wristwatch. With the adoption of the mobile device in today’s society, to which a […]

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Will Google’s Calico Project Extend Athletes’ Careers?

Will Google’s Calico initiative translate onto the playing field? (Time) Last month, Google announced the creation of Calico, a company aimed at taking on aging and defying death. Google is clearly no longer just a search engine, and its latest endeavor could have some major ramifications on athletics and sports medicine. Calico, short for the California Life Company, will research people and other subjects that are aging in an effort to identify a way to fight it. An independent company from Google, rather than a subsidiary branch, Calico will most likely research diseases associated with aging and body deterioration such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease.

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