Indian social media and social entertainment platform Hotstar set a new record for the most concurrent users on a live stream on Sunday. The Indian Premier League final between the Chennai Super Kings and Sunrisers Hyderabad was watched by 10.7 million users at the same time. The Super Kings won the title by eight wickets. Hotstar […]
ESPN+ has inked a multi-year partnership with Riot Games to stream League of Legends competitions beginning this summer. The partnership with ESPN+ will span the League of Legends North America Championship Series. That division features Team Liquid (part of the aXiomatic Gaming investment group backed by Warriors owner Peter Gruber), Golden Guardians (Golden State’s own […]
As chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company, Michael Eisner oversaw the acquisition of ABC/ESPN. He then started an investment firm, Tornante Company, whose portfolio includes an independent digital video studio, Vuguru. Last year, he purchased Portsmouth FC, an English soccer club. Through this variety of experiences, Eisner has become immersed in sports broadcasting […]
Race cars zip around tracks at close to 200 miles per hour, but getting a real sense of that speed can be hard for viewers at home. To bring a better feeling of the velocity of NASCAR racers, Fox Sports is installing a rail cam along the second turn at Charlotte Motor Speedway for this […]
The NHL is embedding technology into its pucks that will allow it to track movement on the ice at a rate of roughly 200 times a second, according to David Lehanski, the NHL’s senior vice president of business development and global partnerships. The smart puck will aid in the league’s development of live data, which […]