SportTechie — Denver Nuggets RSS

Jared Jeffries Goes From NBA To Esports Talent Evaluator

Jared Jeffries recently served as the Denver Nuggets’ director of pro personnel after playing 11 NBA seasons. Now he’s leaving basketball to become a front office executive in a new industry — esports. Jeffries was announced as president of Echo Fox on Thursday, and starting Aug. 1, he will be responsible for player recruiting and […]

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Denver Nuggets Launch Official Sina Weibo Account in China

Because of the daily social pursuits of the United States as a whole, it’s all too easy to forget why the Internet was dubbed the World Wide Web. Twitter has become a routine to most of us, keeping our fingers and phones on standby, ready to socially shout at a moment’s notice. In fact, the […]

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#NBADigitalSeries 2013-14: Denver Nuggets

Ty Lawson may very well be an NCAA Champion and one of the more underrated point guards in the NBA, but basketball has always been a team game. The 30 franchises that make up the league have generated a revenue pie in excess of $5 billion. The digital age has enabled this game to reach its worldwide audience anywhere, anytime. Teams can build up their own local fan base through the sundry of platforms available. Much like our #NFLTechSeries, this time SportTechie delves into the digital strategies–from web, social media, mobile apps, and any other technological connection–of each team and analyzes them, including insights from some of the digital executives involved. Today, the #NBADigitalSeries 2013-14 continues with the Denver Nuggets. Stay...

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