The Drone Racing League and Lockheed Martin are hoping to spur the creation of autonomous racing drones that can outpace those piloted by humans. This week, the two organizations announced...
Pizza Hut will debut an augmented reality mobile game this NFL season that allows users to unlock a virtual game of cornhole. To access the augmented reality version of the...
Consumer audio company Soul Electronics has announced the launch of Run Free Pro Bio, a pair of AI-powered, wireless earphones with real-time voice coaching. The new earbuds are touted as...
At a meeting last year with staffers from IBM and the U.S. Tennis Association, former world No. 1 player Ivan Lendl recounted an insight he had gleaned from scouting Novak...
Imagine Golden State Warriors sharpshooter Steph Curry dribbling down the court in an NBA Finals game, dodging a Cavaliers guard and shooting as the clock drains to zero. The buzzer...