Turner VP (Sorta) Explains How TNT’s Kenny Smith Entered The TV

Shaquille O’Neal’s idea was simple, even if its execution was not. While sitting in TNT’s green room between on-air assignments during Tuesday night’s NBA playoff action, O’Neal turned toward his fellow panelist, Kenny Smith, with an idea of how to expound upon his tactical analysis.

“Kenny,” he said, “you need to be in the video on the court.”

Smith had been diagramming plays through a telestrator on his iPad, but O’Neal had a grander vision, prompting Turner’s production team to get to work.

The next night, when discussing LeBron James’ defensive options, Smith walked up to the giant video, feigned technical difficulties and walked behind — and then seemingly into — the screen.

Smith then continued his breakdown of the play, all while appearing to be on the court, prompting a social media eruption of viewers confused and impressed by the demonstration. (Many compared the act to a famous scene from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; a sampling of all the responses are collected below.)

When Smith returned to his seat at the desk, a dumbfounded Charles Barkley looked to be in awe as he commented, “I will say this, I have been here for 18 years — that’s probably the coolest thing you all ever did.”

“Sometimes you’ve got to get in the game,” Smith said, “to be in the game.”

In an interview with SportTechie, Turner Sports vice president and coordinating director Steve Fiorello divulged only sparing details about the stunt.

“I don’t want to give up the secret sauce, but I can give you some ideas of what it took,” he said. “I will tell you there’s a green screen involved — I don’t think there’s a secret there — and the camera placement is critical as well.”

Barkley’s reaction was so strong and genuine that it appeared he had no idea the stunt was coming, a presumption Fiorello confirmed with a laugh: “I’ll be honest, Chuck is not aware of 90 percent of what we do.”

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Prior to air, Fiorello said he knew the gimmick was cool but had no idea it would be so resoundingly well received. He said his phone was buzzing constantly with messages from friends, family, colleagues, bosses and peers at other networks. His phone rang again Thursday morning with a call from Smith, whom Fiorello said was “giddy” about the reaction. (SportTechie could not confirm whether Smith would use this new voodoo magic in his Friday interview to be the next New York Knicks head coach.)

Fiorello was especially complementary of Smith — calling his intelligence and experience the “most important” element — and the crew that put everything together.

“That’s a testament to Turner Studios and their flexibility, how nimble they are and the people that work here on the technical side,” Fiorello said. “These guys, they get the show. They understand what the show is about, where we try to go with it and have fun with it.”

The Inside the NBA program has long since gained a reputation of combining basketball insight was on-set jokes and silliness. The night before, for instance, the TNT crew pranked Smith by projecting large emojis and other objects onto the screen as he tried to analyze a play.

While that prank was probably a onetime affair, positioning Smith inside the video will return, although Fiorello indicated it would be used judiciously.

“I think we’re going to do this a couple more times,” he said. We’re going to wait and see and let the games present those moments for Kenny to do it again. As opposed to forcing it and doing it just because we can, we’re going to be smart about it and try to integrate it.”