YellowYam Stamina Platform Provides ‘Body Fuel Gauge’ For Athletes In Real-Time

A few miles into a run, or a few hills into a bike ride, the fatigue starts to set in. You worked so hard and exerted so much energy at the beginning of your workout that you may not have the energy to finish.

Athletes needs to monitor their energy to finish strenuous workouts. It’s tough to do that on your own. The YellowYam Stamina Platform, a cloud-based service created by bOMDIC, interprets heart rate/HRV, GPS, environmental conditions among other things to calculate an athlete’s “body fuel gauge.”

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The end goal? To help athletes have good stamina usage after being provided with insights on pacing, reserve analysis and performance during a workout in real-time.

“Just like a driver should actively monitor his or her fuel gauge, athletes should know when it’s beneficial to exert intensity at any given time,” bOMDIC CEO HsinFu Kuo said in a statement. “When athletes gain access to this information, they understand when to speed up, slow down or take a break, and can ultimately perform better in practice and competition.”

YellowYam Stamina Platform is compatible with wearable sensors and smartwatches, smartbands, cycling computers and mobile apps.