VERT Launches Jump Data App In Anticipation Of Apple Watch

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VERT’s fitness app will be available to all Apple Watch users when the device launches on April 24.

VERT is a tiny wearable fitness tracker worn on athlete’s waists that gathers their jump related measurements. These measurements include jump count, height and rate.

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Apple Watch wearers will now be able to see these measurements through the VERT wearable app. The app is also already available for iPhones and Apple tablets.

User’s best and average measurements will be saved onto the Apple Watch app so they can see their progress.

“It is an exciting time for wearable technology and we are thrilled to offer new fitness measurements right on your Apple Watch,” says Martin Matak, founder of VERT.

VERT calculates vertical height through a proprietary algorithm and can track motion in all directions.

The VERT wearable jump monitor’s new Jump RATE feature tracks an athlete’s jump load during a specific time of activity.

vert apple watch

“I can’t say enough how helpful the VERT Jump Rate feature has been to my jump rope training,” said Angel Perez, a Crossfit competitor and athlete affiliated with Crossfit Fortress in Miami, Florida. “Innovation like this is what will help me improve and one day get to the Crossfit Games podium.”

The jump monitor was the first sports wearable used during an NCAA event. It transmits data to coaches and broadcasters in real time so they can track their athletes in games, practices and workouts.

You might be wondering why you would specifically want to track your jumping measurements. Sports like volleyball and basketball as well as workouts like Crossfit benefit greatly from measuring and then improving these statistics.  Now they can do so while wearing an Apple Watch.