Using Eye Tracking To Optimize Vision Performance And Concussion Monitoring

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RightEye LLC, a health technology company that uses eye tracking to optimize vision performance and patient care, recently partnered with SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI), a leading manufacturer of eye tracking technology, to use SMI eye trackers in vision tests.  RightEye will use SMI’s new RED-oem technology in their vision tests that help healthcare providers check patients’ eyesight, concussions, and medical performance issues.

Adam Gross, co-founder and CEO of RightEye LLC, said, “The successful launch of RightEye’s first series of vision tests is critical to our future success and our ability to change the way the world approaches vision care.  We have included SMI in our first product series because they can deliver the exact kind of high-speed, high-quality and contact-free eye tracker required to ensure our solution is highly accurate and meets the needs of health care providers and their patients.”

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RightEye is a new company that gained much interest after the launch of its 15-second concussion detection test, Neuro Vision, which was the first of its kind.  They debuted this technology this September at the 2015 American Academy of Optometry show.  Neuro Vision has provided them with much interest from vision care companies, concussion experts, and the health technology investor community.

SMI’s RED-oem technology does contact-free, screen-based eye tracking, and is fully portable; it also comes with a head box for accurate tracking even with restless patients. Features that are logically adaptable to the sports world when monitoring athletes for concussions.

This technology is part of SMI’s larger eye tracking platform that is mass-market-ready and contains reference designs for desktop, mobile virtual reality, wearable virtual reality, and augmented reality.

The director of SMI’s OEM Solutions Business, Christian Villwock, said, “As a leading eye tracking partner, we work with a wide variety of technology innovators, from startups like RightEye to many of the largest leading consumer technology manufacturers around the world.  We are absolutely dedicated to advancing the use and integration of eye tracking into solutions and products that can help improve lives and open up new discoveries.  We are excited to be working with RightEye and look forward to what they will come up with next.”