There Are Now Hi-Tech Socks For Runners

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Four long years went into producing what are quite possibly the most technologically advanced socks ever made. Yes, you read that correctly…Socks. But these aren’t your ordinary Haines wear for 6-months, ball-up and throw in the back of your dresser, losing for years, only rediscovering in a state of desperation when you’ve run out of clean clothes after forgetting to do your laundry (again) last Sunday, socks (shoutout to all bachelors past and present out there).

Sensoria, a leading developer of IOT (Internet of Things) wearable solutions, announced today the availability of their award winning Fitness socks. Sensoria Fitness socks are embedded with proprietary textile sensors that are soft, durable and machine washable. The socks are powered by a lightweight flexible Bluetooth smart GPS enabled anklet paired with a free mobile application that gives users real-time updates on form, distance, speed, ascent, descent, altitude, foot contact time, number of steps, and cadence.

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Data is collected while running and then saved to the Sensoria Fitness web dashboard where users can compare runs and monitor from any smartphone or web connection.

“Sensoria Fitness Socks gather valuable data at the point where it matters the most for runners: where the sneaker rubber meets the road,” says Ramon Llamas, wearables research manager at market research firm IDC. “Cadence, pace, distance covered – all of these are important and found on some other wearable devices. However, by combining this with information like foot landing technique, shoe comparison and real-time feedback, Sensoria provides valuable insights on how to run smarter, not harder.”

The companion app acts as a real time Virtual Coach, and can prevent injuries related to impact, foot strike and running form, or can track personal records and help train for the next event.

Sensoria Fitness socks retail at $199 (or approximately 100 6-packs of classic Haines socks), and come with two smart socks, the electronic anklet, a USB charger, a dedicated mobile app for iPhone or Android and a web dashboard.