The Mind Sensing Headset That Helped Jason Day Create His 15-Step Pre-Shot Visualization Routine

Golf is more a game of mental toughness and refined talent than almost any other sport out there. It requires a clear mind and enough practice to be consistent in one’s swing.

Jason Day, who is battling Jordan Spieth for the ranking of No. 1 in the world, has benefitted heavily from a routine that relies on clearing the mind and letting the subconscious take over.

His trainer, Jason Goldsmith, has helped Spieth achieve this with a device that Goldsmith co-founded—the FocusBand.

The FocusBand allows the wearer to measure the amount of brain activity that is going on in the present moment—be it anxiety, too much conscious thought or anything else that might disrupt a golfer’s swing.

The wearer of a FocusBand gets auditory feedback on their brain activity levels, and whether they are achieving their desired end product. The music played tells them exactly where their mind is at.

As a result of this technology, Day has crafted a swing that relies on a 15-step, pre-shot routine. This includes a number of breath, posture and body awareness exercises to calm the mind, not unlike meditation. The most important part of all of this is Day’s visualization technique.

Day visualizes his entire swing, from going back with his club to the place that the ball lands and bounces towards. He always precedes this eyes-closed visualization with two practive swings.

Since Day has begun working with Goldsmith, using the FocusBand and actively utilizing his 15-step pre-shot, he has won a grand total of eight tournaments, including his first major at last year’s PGA Championship. Before working with Goldsmith, Day had only won one tournament.

A number of other professional golfers also use the FocusBand, but Day is the most renowned. To watch Day explain his swing, check out the video below.