SportTechie Startup Profile Series: Xtreme U Wants To Change The Way People Learn Sports

unnamed (5)New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series is to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story. This particular startup is taking part in the Hype Global Sport Innovation Competition In Rio De Janeiro on August 24th, 2016.

Company name: Xtreme U

Founder(s): Dariusz Czarcinski, Jose Carlos Molestina, Chris Bernay

Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1. What is your elevator pitch?

What if you could learn new tricks and perfect technique from your favorite athletes directly from your phone? With our new training methodology, we divide each trick into specific progression stages. Each stage is full of content that helps you to progress and finally nail the trick: athletes tips on how to prepare and train, what elements are important and what NOT to do.

Here at XtremeU we want to change the way people approach learning sports. With our specially developed content breakdown and innovative tools we want to connect top athletes and coaches with our students. By selecting high quality content and creating in depth training methods we are paving the way to train smarter and safer. Leveraging mobile technology, we want to make it so anyone can train with the best in the sport.

2. Problem & Solution

landingSTProblem 1: Many athletes nowadays know that a sporting career is not going to last forever. They search for new revenue streams, ideally by doing what they love.

Problem 2: On the other hand, many extreme sport enthusiasts look for training content online, where materials are not well organized, tend to have bad quality and most of the times are not relevant.

Solution: Our solution is to create THE platform, that connects athletes and their experience with what students are looking for – high quality training content. This gives athletes the ability to create a recurring revenue stream and pass down their knowledge to future generations.

3. Market

Target market are students that practice extreme sports. Main target audience is male age between 12 and 28 years old.

4. Business Model

Creating high quality training content with our athletes to sell it through the app. Athletes are then paid royalties from each video sale. We also plan on selling trips to practice with your favorite athletes, once you obtain a certain degree of proficiency in the sport. In the future we expect brand positioning and sponsored content in the app.

5. Management Team

Dariusz Czarcinski – engineering, operations, finance

Jose Carlos Molestina – athlete relations, learning methodology, marketing

Chris Bernay – design, content production, UI/UX

6. What else do you want the audience to know about your venture?

If you are an athlete and want to work with us, send an email to

We are currently in the final stages of the app build and it will be released soon. We are open for investment opportunities.