SportTechie StartUp Profile Series: Player’s Health Mobilizes Youth Athlete’s Health And Wellbeing

New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series will be to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story. Feel free to contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for this series.

Company: Player’s Health

CEO: Tyrre Burks

Headquarters: Chicago, IL

1. What is your elevator pitch?

Player’s Health is an interactive mobile platform designed to allow parents and coaches to quickly and easily document any injury that occurs during practice or games. This promotes real time communication between coaches and parents around the wellbeing of youth athletes. Our HIPAA compliant interface simplifies the flow of youth athlete health information between coach, parent, and health care provider.

2. Problem and Solution

Lack of communication of injuries is turning small injuries into big problems., ranging from compounding medical issues to unnecessary liability for youth sports organizations and coaches. Between 2005 and 2014 ninety-two youth athletes died playing youth sports, and with over $1B in sports related lawsuit settlements there is a clear need in the market to do a better job at managing the health and wellness of our youth athletes.

Through the Player’s Health Platform coaches are now aware of each athlete’s medical history and previous injuries. Athletic organizations can have peace of mind knowing that no injured athlete will return to play without the caregiver’s consent. Concussion return to play management is made simple on Player’s Health. Each step is properly detailed out with a clear Delineation of who is responsible for what stage and when. Player’s Health is also aggregating data that has never existed at scale with the help of our analytics dashboard sports administrators and coaches now have meaning data can now aid them in making better decision.Coachdashboard

3. Market

Youth Sports! Youth Sports Market is 7 billion Dollar market that and growing! There are over 35M Athletes playing organized sports from 6 to 18 years of age.

4. Business Model – How do you make money?

  • Club/Private Organizations $20/Athlete/Year
  • Schools/Districts $5/Athlete/Year
  • Insurance Premium Commission: 7.5%
  • Minimum of 2 Year Contracts.

5. Management Team

Tyrre Burks – Founder and CEO

Alex Jensen – Business Development and Customer Relations

Blake Geoffriion – Director of Partnership

Kari Bardin – Business Development and Implementation

Katelyn Geoffrion: Director of Risk Management

Amanda Luebeck – Marketing and PR

Toby Kinsler – Business Development and Legal Strategist

6. What else would you want the audience to know about your venture ?

It is free for parents to create a Player’s Health profile for their child. We would love to talk to any interested sports organizations that would be interested in implementing Player’s Health to help track your player’s injuries in a more efficient way.

Bonus Question

If you were stuck on a desert island with any 3 athletes, who would they be and why?

Larry Fitzgerald, Steph Curry and Russell Wilson. Why, all are men of Faith, have gone through adversity, and they all have amazing character.