SMRT Mouth Startup Brings Biometric Monitoring To Athletes Of All Ages

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Wearables are quickly impacting sport and physical activity all over the world. With the need for athletes to track and monitor their performance now becoming a necessity, the industry is skyrocketing.

SMRT Mouth has put a twist on its brand new ‘wearable’ product and produced a device in the form of a mouthguard. As well as traditional teeth and mouth protection, the mouthguard is capable of tracking an athlete’s circulation, respiration, exertion and hydration. All of this data is processed and available to analyse via an iOS or Android smart device.

This data is assembled so that the athletes themselves can monitor health and performance, as well as coaches and parents for younger children. Many wearables today do not cater for younger children who are just beginning to break into sport, but SMRT Mouth is one device that is suitable.

“The next generation of elite athletes won’t make it to the world stage if they don’t survive the playground. We want athletes to push themselves to peak performance with greater confidence that hydration and exertion are within healthy ranges,” explained Dana Hawes, CEO and co-founder of SMRT Mouth LLC.

The device has received a stamp of approval from organizations such as the NFL, NBA, NHL and collegiate and youth sports.

The makeup of the technology involves a bite pad layer, where the user molds their teeth and gums to fit. The middle layer, while made of structural armour to protect the mouth, also holds the smart module, sensors and has a data collection opening, while the outer layer of the guard is built for protection with shock cushioning. The sensors connect with other devices through Bluetooth.

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The mouth guard tracks hydration, by reminding users of when they need to hydrate; it gives real-time data on respiration and monitors breathing cycles; it allows trainers and coaches to see who is declining in exertion; and it tracks circulation, allowing users to monitor the heart rate.  

Athletic trainers are particularly concerned about boosting athletic performance while maintaining optimal health levels. Jason Elkin of Elkin Sports Performance notes that “I believe that the innovation of the SMRT Mouth guard can be a fantastic tool, not only to the athletic training staff at every level, but to strength and conditioning coaches.” Parents can also rest easier during practice and games knowing that their child’s personal health is being carefully monitored and managed.

In terms of thinking outside the box, SMRT Mouth has hit the nail on the head. For one, athletes playing contact sports are not usually permitted to wear devices on their wrists for safety reasons, meaning their activity during that time would go unmonitored. SMRT Mouth can nullify that problem.

Kids aren’t a market that many wearable’s focus on, simply due to the complexity of the devices. SMRT Mouth comes in a device that all children are encouraged to wear during their time playing sport, meaning that parents are able to feel more comfortable, literally observing their child’s health status.

The SMRT Mouth guard is currently in the development stage and is seeking crowd funding to further boost production. Donations and pre-orders can be made at IndieGoGo.