Seastar Labs, TNO Team Up For Automated Production Sports Broadcasting System

In the past, high costs have kept automated production systems from taking off. Seastar Labs, a specialist in advanced video processing technology, and TNO, a Netherlands-based research organization, are teaming up to develop a fully automated production system for sports broadcasting that isn’t quite so costly.

The production system will combine Virtual Director, TNO’s autonomous camera technology with Seastar Labs’ cloud-based live production platform called StriveCast.

The system will be capable of broadcasting, sports video analysis and recruiting.

“Assisted and automated production is the next generation of broadcasting,” Seastar Labs CTO Manoj Aggarwal said in a statement Thursday. “We’re making it easier and more affordable than ever to stream and produce live events, with minimal involvement and infrastructure.”

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TNO’s Virtual Director is able to detect and automate camera movement using digital pan, zoom and tilt.

The system will be available in Spring of 2017 for basketball and soccer with additional sports to follow.