No Violent Video Games In The Olympics, Says IOC President

Paris will soon be formally announced as host to the 2024 Olympics. Plenty of uncertainties come with hosting the Games and a large one facing the Paris delegation will be the possible inclusion of esports.

While open to welcoming esports competition, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach recently expressed concern over the type of games included. “We want to promote non-discrimination, non-violence, and peace among people,” Bach told the South China Morning Post. “This doesn’t match with video games, which are about violence, explosions and killing. And there we have to draw a clear line.”

While the comments sound ominous in regards to esports becoming a medal event, it’s not all bad. Bach expressed that any sport included should mirror something played in real life — say for instance football or basketball.

“So if ever somebody is competing at playing football virtually or playing other sports virtually, this is of high interest,” Bach told the Post. “We hope that, then, these players are really delivering sports performance. If [fans] at the end would even play the sports in the real world, we would even be more happy.”

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In discussing the addition of adding new sports to the Olympics, the goal is to attract younger fans. Certainly esports would fit that criteria. A study done in the U.S. showed TV viewers between ages 18-34 fell roughly 30 percent in 2016 compared to the London games.

“That means for the long-term future, we have to make sure that the young generation is well served with digital platforms to follow the Games and that the Games are presented in a way that is interesting to them,” Bach continued.

While we certainly won’t see first-person shooter games in Paris, it’s still possible we see gamers competing for medals.