InBody Band Looks To Differentiate Itself From Other Wearables

The InBody Band is one of the first wearable fitness trackers that will be able to gauge and determine the users body composition. With two finger electrodes on the top and two wrist electrodes on the bottom, users will be able to measure their body fat, muscle mass, heart rate, and more.

Something that is unique about the band is the InBody App. This will allow users to find out their total calories burned per day, and they can log what exercises they are doing. Furthermore, users have the ability to see changes in their Basal Metabolic Rate to understand how to optimally train and fuel their body.

Used on your wrist, the polymer band comes with a long and skinny display screen. The battery is supposed to last one week on just one single charge, which is highly beneficial especially for the users who are afraid of having to constantly charge their wearable. Also, iPhones running iOS 7.0 and above or Android phones running 4.3 and above are compatible with the band.

The real differentiator of InBody Band is the ability to test the body composition. This is done by having users hold the band against the skin, which should take under a minute. The electrodes will send a small current through the body and measure voltage, thus being able to give out information about the composition of the users body. Not many wearable’s can detect BMI and that is where the InBody Band hopes to attract the public’s eye.