Global Sports Analytics Makes Basketball Teams, Players And Fans Smarter

startup-seriesNew technology from startup ventures is transforming the global sports industry. This Startup Series has introduced over 300 startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience by allowing Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story and pitch their idea. Feel free to submit your startup’s answers to the below questions or contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for inclusion in this series.

Company name: Global Sports Analytics, LLC

Founder(s): Brandon Smith, CEO

Headquarters: New York, NY & Paris, FR


1. What is your elevator pitch?

Global Sports Analytics, LLC (“GSA”) is a diversified technology platform that provides products and services to basketball teams, players and fans worldwide.

Our flagship product, the GSA EDGE, is a customizable web-based analytics tool that delivers actionable recommendations to help teams efficiently run their organizations and win games. For players, Global Sports Group, GSA’s tech-enabled sports agency, leverages the EDGE’s proprietary algorithms to streamline the recruitment process and maximize clients’ earnings. For fans, we offer The GSA Report, an e-newsletter for basketball news, culture and lifestyle around the globe that is delivered to our subscribers 5 days a week, and sometimes on Sundays (subscribe at Thus, through our comprehensive offerings, GSA addresses the entire global basketball eco-system.

2. Problem & Solution

While basketball teams have access to massive amounts of data, many organizations do not have the infrastructure nor technology essential to draw useful insights. For basketball players, there are few, if any, centralized platforms to identify professional playing opportunities outside of the U.S., or even for U.S. players and foreign teams to simply connect. Additionally, for fans, there are limited sources that enable them to not only stay up-to-date on the top basketball stories around the world, but also the cultural and lifestyle aspects of the game. In view of this, GSA’s products and services have been designed to address these inefficiencies.

3. Market – your target market and the overall market

The marked growth of basketball internationally, combined with the penetration of cloud computing and mobile across the sector, provides GSA with significant opportunities for each of its business lines. With 400,000,000+ basketball fans globally, The GSA Report enjoys the largest number of market participants followed by the Global Sports Group with a market of 20,000+ players, and the GSA EDGE with a market of 10,000+ professional, semi-professional, and US college teams. Given the business lines’ robust pricing models, each of their total addressable market size is significant.

4. Business Model – how do you make money?

Given GSA’s diverse, but complimentary, lines of business, the company maintains multiple potential revenue streams. The primary revenue sources are: (i) monthly subscriptions fees for the GSA EDGE; (ii) a percentage of signed players’ contracts under the Global Sports Group; and (iii) fees related to advertisements and promotions placed within The GSA Report.

5. Management Team – with titles

Brandon Smith, CEO
Adrian Purcell, COO
Praveen Bhosale, Director of Technology
Ryan Mallory, Director of Finance/GSA Report
Sean Moran, Director of Scouting

6. Financial Needs: are you currently looking for investment? Have you raised investment already? If so, who are your investors?

While, we have already raised the funds necessary to launch each of the products and services offered via our platform, we are currently in the process of raising additional capital to further develop our offerings and support the company’s growth plans. Many of GSA’s current investors are comprised of finance and basketball industry veterans.