Five Sports Tech Gadgets to Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions

adidas boost cushioning technology

The holiday season brings heavy meals, tasty sweets, and guaranteed indulging. But the turnaround to 2014 is quick, and New Year’s resolutions are the perfect motivation to reverse an unfit December. Here are five gadgets to help you work off that extra piece of cake and enjoy a fulfilling new year!

1. FitBit Force

Biometric fitness tracking bands were a craze in 2013. A simple wristband designed for everyday use is the perfect product to work off holiday calories in an organized fashion, but the FitBit Force stands out among its competitors. Its lightweight and comfortable design is compatible for long-term wear, and its tracking ability is second to none. This device tracks the number of steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned to ensure that users are meeting their goals.


However, the FitBit Force stands out in its ability to relay this data back. Forget wires—the FitBit uses Bluetooth 4.0 technology to sync users’ fitness dashboard to computers, iPhones, and select Android devices. Additionally, users can access this information on the FitBit from their wrist for a simpler display of their progress. Biometric bands are the most straightforward device to monitor and actively pursue a healthy New Year’s resolution, and the FitBit Force is a top-of-the-line product.

2. iRiver On Headset

Biometric bands are the most complete form of fitness tracking, but many New Year’s resolutions do not require such attention to detail. In fact, simple fitness tracking devices with other features are more suitable for many users. The iRiver On Headset is a wireless headset that tracks basic fitness during physical activity while playing music synced from the user’s mobile device. Although the iRiver On requires a nearby smartphone for syncing purposes, it eliminates pesky wires while running to music and gathers useful fitness information on your mobile device.

The iRiver On tracks heart rate, speed, distance traveled, aerobic fitness level, and calories burned, in addition to location and elevation. This is all possible due to a small sensor using infrared and an accelerometer that detects blood flow and physical activity. Pair these tracking features with the ability to take phone calls and set/reach goals, and the iRiver On Headset is a great gadget to help casual runners track their cardiovascular progress in 2014!

3. Adidas Boost

The two previous gadgets are great for keeping track of fitness and staying healthy, but the Boost technology in Adidas’ new line of shoes ensures that users will enjoy pursuing their New Year’s resolution. Adidas’ revolutionary design focuses on a new material for the midsole called “Boost” that returns more energy with each step. Adidas claims that this extra cushion (made from foam bubbles in car headrests) leads to more efficient running and greater resistance to wear and tear.

Additionally, Boost technology prevents a drop in quality in extreme heat or cold. Although I have not worn these shoes, reviews are consistent in supporting Adidas claims that Boost provides supreme cushion, comfort, and energy return. Any New Year’s resolution involving running will be more feasible and enjoyable with Adidas Boost.

4. Pumping Weight App

pumping weight app apple store fitnessMany New Year’s resolutions involve cardiovascular fitness to combat holiday eating; but building muscle is another common resolution that can be made easier with technology like the Pumping Weight iPhone application.

Pumping Weight functions as a workout log but is far more useful than a notepad and pen. This app recognizes more than 200 different lifting exercises and provides illustrations and instructions for each. More importantly, it records the completion of these exercises while tracking body weight, body fat, measurements, BMI, and rest time to assess each workout.

Pumping Weight helps lifters track their progress, stay organized with workout calendars and schedules, and view data with graphs and charts (it even exports to Excel!) This is a great application for iPhone users to get started on a new workout regimen or stay on top of a preexisting schedule to build mass in 2014.

5. Apex Ski Goggles

Most people have heard of the GoPro—a versatile video camera that can be strapped to humans, animals, and just about anything else. GoPros have been useful for capturing action sports, especially skiing and snowboarding in the winter months. But the Apex Ski Goggles eliminate an extra piece of headwear on the slopes by incorporating a high quality video camera in the nose bridge of ski goggles.

This is a perfect gadget to motivate aspiring skiers and snowboarders to hit the slopes and laugh at their first trip down the bunny slopes, or capture sweet jumps and tricks for more experienced riders.

Regardless of skill level, Apex Ski Goggles are great to motivate people to hit the slopes and improve their skiing or boarding abilities.

Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!