Eye Tracking Glasses Being Used to Analyze Golf Putting Skills


rydercup2014Not everyone can putt a golf ball like Tiger Woods. But the Applied Science Laboratories’ Mobile Eye –XG eye tracking glasses allows golfers of all levels to assess and adjust their putting skills through the use of this eye tracking technology.

A select few attending this year’s Ryder Cup in Scotland were able to have their ability analyzed by the eye tracking glasses courtesy of SportScotland Institute of Sport (SIS). They aim to bring Scottish professional athletes innovative and scientific sports expertise to improve their performance.

At the SIS exhibit at the Ryder Cup, golfers got a taste of the kind of analysis the ASL technology provides, as they were given the opportunity to have their putting ability analyzed by the SIS team. Using the eye tracking glasses, the SIS team was able to provide personalized tips to help golfers improve their putting ability.

As part of the analysis, the SIS team was able to use the glasses to measure and record actual visual focus of attention. They were able to quantifying and qualifying the importance of vision in golf as well as generating visual and numerical data that athletes could respond to.

“In Scottish Golf we have developed practical applications for visual eye tracking in golf putting that have provided a performance benefit to Scottish Golf athletes,” said Malcolm Fairweather, Head of Science and Innovation for the SIS.

Eye tracking technology is an innovative way of analyzing an athlete’s performance and offering a way to improve. In this particular case, golfers can only benefit from learning and tweaking their putting ability based off of the eye tracking data. With tips provided by the use of the tracking glasses, golfers all over the world will be able to improve their ability.