Chinese Basketball Association Partners With Beitai Digital On Data

The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) will soon be receiving robust data solutions. A partnership has been formed making Beitai Digital the league’s official and exclusive data service provider. Beitai, an exclusive partner of Sportradar, will develop data products and services for the league and its fans.

“For us, this deal is a proud culmination of all the hard work and research we have put in to our data-related expertise, systems and ambitions,” Beitai CEO Andy Xue said, in a statement. “Collecting stable and accurate data statistics for the CBA is just the first phase of this partnership. We will be developing a whole host of applications based on live and historic data that will significantly enrich the experience for fans of this exhilarating league, whether they engage with it on TV, on computers, on mobiles or via social media.”

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New developments include 40 percent more data points per game and and more analytical stats (EFG%, REB%, PER). Data will be made available to broadcasters, individual CBA teams and preferred digital media outlets for their pre/post-game analysis.

Sportradar partners with many of the major U.S. leagues including the NBA and NFL but sees China as a very important sports market for their company, and one like Beitai.

“If you look now to market size, China is for our sport information data and technology a much smaller market at the moment than the U.S. I’d say it’s only a tenth of the US market volume for our products and for what we’re doing,” said Sportradar CEO Carsten Koerl in a August sit down with SportTechie’s Jen Booton. “But China is picking up very fast and the market size is shockingly big. If you have the right partners on board, China has really a huge potential to scale up in the future. That’s what we believe will happen.”

The CBA’s current season marks the first under the CBA Company’s independent operation. Plenty of restructuring has occurred within the league, though nothing more important than the deal reached with Beitai.